Scoping sessions during Product Ideation & Workshops will help to discover the potential of your product.

Let’s talk about your project!


What do you get from the Product Workshops?

Full project overview - image
Full project overview
Get a complete overview of the product, initial documentation from design to used technology, and estimated time & cost of implementation.
Business Model - image
Business Model
Gain the knowledge needed to monetize your business model. Know what strategy to adopt to get your product on the market as soon as possible.
Budget safety - image
Budget safety
Avoid underestimating the development costs of your product. With a consistent product roadmap and precise timeline, you have more control over your budget.
User Personas - image
User Personas
You know exactly who is your targeted audience, what is their first reaction to your MVP, and how do they value the benefit that your product brings.
Product Prototype - image
Product Prototype
You get a clickable mockup (graphic) of your product that will allow you to test it with your potential users and show it to your investors.
Valuable Feedback - image
Valuable Feedback
Research shows that you need only 5 users to find 80% of the biggest flaws of your idea - LINK
Launch Strategy - image
Launch Strategy
After first test you will have all insights that you need for planning the most feasible strategy for your product launching.
Backlog & Priorities - image
Backlog & Priorities
You’ll have a much more clearer vision of what your product should be and what should be your priorities for the upcoming months.
Time & Cost Estimate - image
Time & Cost Estimate
Based on the workshops results we are able to give you a time and cost estimate that will let you anticipate a feasible budget for the project.

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What do you get in the Product Ideation & Strategy Workshops?

Product Workshops Methodologies

User Personas
User Personas

Creating User Personas is sometimes speculation. But only by doing it, you can get as close to the user context as possible. You need to know each UP very well, especially the need they have and the problem you solve for them. You need to know their incentives and motivations.

User Journey Mapping
User Journey Mapping

An exercise that allows for a more accurate, multi-level and contextual understanding of how and why the user interacts with a given system/tool.

Google Design Sprint
Google Design Sprint

The sprint is a process for answering critical business questions through design, prototyping and testing ideas with customers. It’s a “greatest hits” of business strategy, innovation, behavior science, design thinking, and more.


Let's know all main stages product ideation & strategy workshops

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Product Discovery workshops introduce our process and help us to understand your idea and its’ business environment. It is the stage where you define your business vision and goals. We discuss together the product development opportunities, its market share, and key competitors. Our workshop session enables us to create a realistic estimation of the costs and timeframes of your project. We deliver a project Brief that lets us define the project feasibility.

Topics covered:

  • Business Vision & Goals
  • Opportunities & Risks
  • General Idea & Main Features
  • Targeted User Base
  • Project Initial Scope
  • Decision-makers & Stakeholders
  • Competitors & Market
  • Budget & Roadmap

This workshop gives us more insight into how the project will look like from the user perspective. It is the product design stage. We identify users and their needs, dedicate time to build the roadmap, define the MVP, map the features, draft the interface, and outline the architecture. We deliver a UX documentation that allows us to build a prototype or estimate both UI and the development work.

Topics covered:

  • Foundations
  • Information Architecture
  • Look & Feel Benchmarking
  • Main Devices & Displays
  • Brand Guidelines
  • Solution Sketches & Wireframes
  • Designing Clickable Prototype
  • Guerilla Testing

This workshop helps us to explore and find a suitable solution for building the project from a tech perspective. This phase defines the technology stack, system architecture, key functionalities, and development time. We also spend time on thorough testing and determining the time of product release and support rules. We deliver DEV documentation that allows us to plan the size of a team and plan the product development roadmap.

Topics covered:

  • Possible Technology Stack
  • System Architecture
  • Functionalities & Communication
  • Development Timeline
  • Testing & Stabilisation Needs
  • Deployment & Support Needs
  • Development Documentation
  • Suggested Tech Solutions

Product Workshops help in delivering business value for Startups, Scaleups, and Enterprises

Which Client are you? Choose your cooperation model

John Scaleup
Company size
Startup & Scaleup

What does Startup Owner need?

He needs to build an MVP fast to validate his idea and get the first funding (pre-Seed or Seed). Therefore, in Product Ideation &Strategy Workshops he wants:

  • to define the business model for the product
  • to visualize and validate the idea with real users
  • to build a prototype (MVP)
  • to prove his value and show results to investors

What does Startup Owner receive?

We help in many areas:

  • plan and organize the work that will allow discovering the project's potential
  • workshop, describe and focus on understanding business goals, needs, and business prospects
  • design a prototype of the idea,
  • test the prototype with users and gather first feedback
  • estimate the time and team size that will be needed to turn the prototype into a real project
Henry Teamleadsky
Product Owner
Company size

What does CTO in the enterprise need?

He needs to workshop a solution for an internal tool. He wants:

  • to validate a business model for the new product idea
  • to check its feasibility and how to adjust it into the existing app ecosystem and company organization
  • to gather feedback from people that could benefit from this tool
  • to prove his value and show results to his superiors

What does CTO receive?

We help in many areas:

  • workshop, describe and focus on understanding business goals, needs, and internal situation
  • design a prototype of the idea,
  • test the prototype with selected users and gather first feedback
  • estimate the time and team size that will be needed to turn the prototype into a real project

FAQ for Founders

What all founders and Product Owners think they know but they are scared to ask...

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You will define User Personas, get a clickable mockup (graphic) of your product that will allow you to test it with your potential users, and show it to your investors. We will define Launch Strategy with you and estimate Time & Cost of the project.

Before we start workshopping, it’s good to know more about your idea and its surroundings. Therefore, you should earlier define for yourself what are your business goals related to the product. Read more about the preparation role for Product Workshops in the article Don't Overestimate The Role Of Product Development

This is the fastest way to look at your product from every possible angle, define and build its’ minimal form, and validate it with your users.

Yes, they are. You’ll have a much clearer vision of what your product should be and what should be your priorities for the upcoming months.

Contact us

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