Create beautiful and flawless digital products with product design services

Digital product design is not just a matter of brand recognition and beautiful interfaces. Our aim is to design a great experience for your users and meet your business goals.

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Software product design is important because will help you achieve your goals like:

Better Overview - image
Better Overview
You find all pain points and convert them into valuable solutions.
Users’ Understanding - image
Users’ Understanding
You get to know better your users needs, pains and behaviours
Aligning All Stakeholders - image
Aligning All Stakeholders
Decisionmakers understand user needs & agree on proposed solutions
Agility - image
Faster time to market is the key to your products success
Smaller Risk of Failure - image
Smaller Risk of Failure
Testing the product with your audience early gives you assurance
Flexibility - image
Agile sprint adapts easily to the complexity of the project

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Succesful Projects With Great Designs

Read how we helped our client achieve their goals


How we designed a startup product for Simplified Business Administration

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"Order Group invests time to define the scope and ask clarifying questions. Their channels of communication lead to smooth remote project management."
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Didrik Martens
Bizbot CEO
BizBot - image

Why Choose Order Group as an Ideal Company for Digital Product Design Consultancy?

See what is essential for us while creating outstanding digital products

We Design the Product According to Both: the Users’ Needs & Business Goals.
We Design the Product According to Both: the Users’ Needs & Business Goals.

We run user-centric analysis to formulate the problem more easily and then develop viable product solutions. We emphasize understanding what the user is feeling or thinking.

Data-Driven Design
Data-Driven Design

In the Digital Product Design process empathy is essential to understand the needs and behaviors of your users. It influences the way we design and helps to create an intuitive user experience.

We Always Iterate on the Product to Increase Interest and User Engagement.
We Always Iterate on the Product to Increase Interest and User Engagement.

In our approach to Product Design, we use design thinking combining Agile techniques to quickly validate and accept ideas so we can make sure we build the right solution for your users.


Let's know all main stages design process

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We start the first stage of the Product Design process by getting to know your business needs and goals. We work with you as a key project stakeholder. Therefore, we ask you about your business vision, closer and further objectives, plans, and aspirations for your business.

Furthermore, in the benchmark phase, we analyze your main competitors and market trends.

In ORDER to understand your users' needs well, we create empathy maps that help us to find real user needs. We understand that the better the product is matched to the user's needs, the greater the confidence in the business success of the product in the marketplace. Good analysis in the discovery phase guarantees the creation of a solid solution.

At Product Design Workshops, we prepare all design methodology. Therefore we gather all ideas which the team came up with during the previous two steps. Our goal is to choose the best solution to avoid misunderstandings. Then we plan next steps, which will be used for crafting a prototype.

We build a realistic prototype of the solutions in your storyboard so you can simulate a finished product for your customers. With a realistic-looking prototype, you'll get the best possible data from the tests, and you'll learn whether you're on the right track or you need to improve it.

To identify the interests of the targeted users, we in UX workshops we analyze potential users, competitors' strategy, and market trends, everything to understand business goals and your customer's needs. Next, we demonstrate our understanding in sketch form on the board which then translate into wireframes and, finally, the polished mockups. You can read more about UX strategy in the articles:

We create user-friendly and well-designed products that not only attract the right customers for your solution but keep them engaged while contributing to your revenue.Our world-class web designs are both visually appealing and also high-performing to offer great experiences to the user.

We Design Digital Products for Startups, Scaleups, and Enterprises

Which Type of a Client Are You? Choose your cooperation model

John Scaleup
Company size
Startup & Scaleup

What Does a Startup Owner Need?

He has a product idea and a small (seed) funding or he wants to redesign it. However, he has to build the product from scratch. At first, he wants to see if the product will work without coding, just in an illustrated version. He is aware that releasing an entire web or mobile app is a long and expensive process. Therefore he reduces the financial risk by validating the idea with an MVP prototype. When creating the concept for a new app, he can test his software idea with users and collect preliminary data in a short time.

What Do We Do in Order to Design a Product?

We run a Design Sprint (2-4 weeks) which consists of:

  • Brief & Discovery Workshops
  • Product Workshops
  • Prototype & Tests

What Does a Startup Owner Receive?

  • Evidence of the performance and the project potential
  • Feedback from the first users, gives valuable information about the strengths, weaknesses, and the potential direction of further development
  • Visualization of his idea helps to estimate the cost of development
  • Sales materials for pitch deck for investors
Henry Experienced
CEO/CTO, Product Owner in an Enterprise,
Company size
Large Corporation

What Does a CTO in the Enterprise Need?

The Project Owner already has a well-defined product, vision, and business goals. He needs an idea for branding or has already ready mockups with him and needs experienced professionals to code. He has complete control over the project implementation. Programmers work within the structures and processes of the customer's company according to their chosen project management method.

What Do We Do in Order to Design a Product?

  • Make the analysis of the current situation and other products of the company
  • Adapt to the project guidelines
  • Collect all necessary visual assets/design systems

What Does a CTO Receive?

  • Coherent design that aligns with the predefined design system or other products from his company portfolio
  • Updated design system

FAQ for Founders

What all founders and Product Owners think they know but they are scared to ask...

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The approximate time frame to develop any software depends on its type and complexity. If you have a deadline, we will work hard to meet it. The best way forward is to talk to one of our experts to establish the scope of your project and make certain strategic decisions.

Every UX specialist runs deep analysis which helps to avoid failed investments in developing features that are not relevant to your users. Moreover, he creates roadmap and wireframes that help to understand your target audience and shift your efforts to develop only features that make sense for them. This way you reduce costs for unnecessary functionalities.

Product Design sprints increase the efficiency, focus, and speed of your project and reduce the risk of failure. Having a product prototype that will be tested by real users you can generate a unique value proposition for your existing or potential customers.

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