Top Internet of Things (IoT) Development Company in Poland

We develop IoT & IIoT software designed to your specific needs

With customized IoT solutions we will help you to boost efficiency, flexibility and improve safety & security

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Benefits of IoT

Internet of Things solutions will help you achieve your business goals

Efficient Operations Management - image
Efficient Operations Management
With IoT for business also comes the possibility of automation through various connected devices that monitor, manage, and control multiple operations in less time. For example, this approach includes using RFID tags and sensors to track the location of equipment and goods.
Sustainable Use of Resources - image
Sustainable Use of Resources
With IoT, you can track your resources and get real-time performance information, and detect problems for immediate action. Automated planning and monitoring enable higher resource efficiency, such as better energy management and water consumption.
Cost-Effective Operation - image
Cost-Effective Operation
IoT devices make it easier to manage the enterprise structure. With shorter downtime provided by automatically planned and controlled maintenance, the equipment can have higher production efficiency, resulting in higher profits.
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Secure Operations and Networks
IoT & IIoT provides an extra layer of security to protect your business data and privacy. They increase your vigilance to make your systems more secure. For example, they can notify you of a cyber attack and automatically take preventative measures.
Controlled Growth Through Analytics - image
Controlled Growth Through Analytics
IoT & IIoT provides real-time analytics can help companies drive a wide range of business activities, detect issues, and respond accordingly. It improves productivity, saving time spent analyzing problems and taking corrective action.
Better Customer Service - image
Better Customer Service
The collection of user data obtained through Internet of Things also helps businesses better understand customer expectations and behavior. With real-time data analytics, you can create frequently asked questions to reduce the time of the buying process.
Smoother Operations & Overview - image
Smoother Operations & Overview
With IoT devices providing complete data, managers and analysts have more time to improve their products and services. It also contributes to smooth operations and efficient resource management.
Increased Productivity - image
Increased Productivity
With IoT solutions, routine tasks can be performed automatically, allowing human resources to be shifted to more complex tasks that require out-of-the-box thinking.

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Our Succesful IoT Projects

Read how we helped our client from aviation industry achieve his goals


How we built an airport system with IoT modules for tracking movement & operations on the airfield & airstrip.

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"Partnering with Order Group proved to be a turning point for our company. They are great in terms of cost, and I was amazed by their work."
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Marcin Bondyra
AP-TECH Co-owner
ATOS® - image

Our Approach to Industrial IoT Platforms

Internet of Things solutions that bring real value

Industrial IoT Development
Industrial IoT Development

We have experience implementing Industrial Internet of Things in aviation, airport operations, energy storage, smart homes, and health tech industries. Despite the variety of projects carried out, the fundamentals of our workflow are always the same: we make sure that quality and security are always there.

IoT Security Solutions
IoT Security Solutions

We can help you with all design and development processes. From setting up dev & design team, researching and defining user needs, designing a modern and usable interface, and developing frontend and backend scalable apps.

Product Design IIoT Platforms
Product Design IIoT Platforms

We work with engineers and operators to get to know their unique needs about how the interface should be designed & built. We run Product Design Sprints where we design, test, and iterate solutions for certain operator routines and use cases that they face in their day-to-day jobs. The final shape of the product is always the result of tight cooperation.

Our IoT Development Services

We deploy solutions that monitor data, automate routines, and predict how to optimize resources.

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We design and develop systems with Internet of Things modules that supervise, control, and fetch data from a vast number of devices and sensors placed in a closed and controlled system, like, for example, a power plant, a wind farm, or an airport.

Firmware and embedded systems to integrate smart devices into IoT infrastructure, capture sensor data, relay it to the cloud, and perform data analysis on a device in edge and fog computing deployments.

  • Digital Signal Processing
  • Extract, Transform and Load Solutions
  • Android Open Source Project
  • Motor Control Apps for Equipment

We turn the data gathered by IoT smart devices into insightful, interactive, and properly designed dashboards. We implement custom interfaces or we use BI tools - depending on your needs.

  • Real-time Sensor Data Visualization
  • Web-based Human-Machine Interfaces
  • Admin Dashboards for Consumer Electronics

Native and cross-platform mobile and wearable apps that display and give you control over the data gathered from smart devices

Data from Different Sensors

Contactless Payments

Image Recognition & many more…

For special cases, we can build prototypes of smart devices to help you verify your concepts before committing to full-scale development. For prototyping purposes, we use IoT boards, sensors, and ready-made enclosures.

We Develop Software for Startups, Scaleups, and Enterprises

Which client are you? Choose your cooperation model

John Scaleup
Company size
Startup & Scaleup

What Does Startup Owner Need?

His product needs scaling and he wants to redesign it. However, he has to build the product from scratch. At first, he wants to see if the product will work without coding, just in an illustrated version. He is aware that releasing an entire web or mobile app is a long and expensive process.

Therefore he reduces the financial risk by validating the idea with an MVP prototype. When creating the concept for a new app, he can test his software idea with users and collect preliminary data in a short time.

What Do We Do in Order to Build IoT Solution?

We run a Design Sprint (2-4 weeks) which consists of:

What Does a Startup Owner Receive?

  • evidence of the performance and the project potential
  • feedback from the first users, which gives valuable information about the strengths, weaknesses, and the potential direction of further development
  • visualization of his idea, that helps to estimate the cost of development
  • sales materials for pitch deck for investors
Henry Experienced
Product Owner
Company size
Corp / Enterprise
Fin-tech, Health-tech

What Does a CTO in an Enterprise Need?

The project owner already has a well-defined product, vision, and business goals. He needs an idea for branding or has already ready mockups with him and needs experienced professionals to code. He has complete control over the project implementation. Programmers work within the structures and processes of the customer's company according to their chosen project management method.

What Do We Do in Order to Build IoT Solution?

  • make an analysis of the current situation and other products of the company
  • adapt to the project guidelines
  • collect all necessary visual assets/design systems

What Does CTO Receive?

  • a coherent product design that aligns with the predefined design system or other products from his company portfolio
  • updated design system

Clients Testimonials

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Stefano Zambon
CTO, Elk Audio
"They get good results in a very short time and without spending many hours on unproductive meetings."
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Gustavo Zaera Holo
Chief Product Officer at Kyoto Group AS
Order Group is supportive and flexible, delivering high-quality results.

FAQ for Founders

What all founders and Product Owners think they know but they are scared to ask...

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We did both commercial and industrial solutions for totally different industries, but the foundations for our workflow were the same. In over ten IoT projects, we have implemented solutions that monitor data, automate routine procedures, and predict how to optimize resources.

We did both commercial and industrial solutions for totally different industries like energy, aviation, fintech, or logistics. You can read more about our projects for IoT here

We develop software for Internet of Things, not hardware. However, we have technology partners who work with us on projects that require it.

In support, we assign the role of Internet of Things device and network administrator, who minimizes threats. We perform regular system updates, use strong passwords and monitor the network, manage its segmentation and prioritize Wi-Fi security. We use cloud-based solutions and secure GPS as part of enhanced security.

We need about one month to organize the team needed to build the IoT application and we can get started.

At the planning and architecture stage, we choose the right IoT technology to meet the scalability of the software and the number of specialists involved in the project. We plan network and device management from the beginning. We also use cloud solutions to ensure flexible software infrastructure.

Many of our projects involved the cooperation of specialists from different countries in different time zones. Thanks to well-executed product workshops and writing all the assumptions in the backlog, the work went smoothly and in an organized manner. We take care of frequent communication and updating what was done in a given sprint. The satisfaction of our customers from other countries can attest to the success of our cooperation with remote teams.

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The Personal Data Administrator is Order Group sp. z o. o. with its registered office in Warsaw, Dzielna 60, 01-029 Warsaw. [show more]
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Are You Planning to Launch a Project With an Internet of Things Component?
This ebook will tell you how to properly stage your development process.
The Personal Data Administrator is Order Group sp. z o. o. with its registered office in Warsaw, Dzielna 60, 01-029 Warsaw. We care about your privacy. Please be advised that the data provided to download the e-book will be used for marketing purposes. [show more]
The personal data contained in the above form is processed for the purpose of contact with the Administrator (legal basis - Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR, i.e. our legitimate interest). Providing data is voluntary, but necessary to send a message via the above contact form. In legally defined situations, you have the right to: access your data, receive a copy of it, rectification, deletion, restriction of processing, data portability, withdrawal of consent, and to object to data processing. Detailed information can be found in the Privacy Policy.
Order Group - Ebook