
Custom CMS Platform for Diabetes

Table of contents
  • The Brief / Challenge
  • Our Solution
  • Results
Ascensia Diabetes Care Polska
Project Duration
8 months
Technologies Used
2 UX/UI Designers
Services provided:



Ascensia Diabetes Care is a global company whose mission is to improve the health and quality of life of people with diabetes. It is also the manufacturer of CONTOUR ® blood glucose monitoring systems. Contour is a platform that is designed to help, educate, and guide diabetes patients in their treatment process.

The company's goal is to pursue innovation in blood glucose monitoring systems and expand its portfolio with products that change patients' lives for the better.

What was the need of our Client?

Our client's need was to build one custom CMS, linking ten already existing platforms. They wanted to have designed a platform adjusting its contents depending on the type of patients browsing the platform. The resulting site was to be tailored in terms of content to patients with different types of diabetes and the tips directed to them. A different type of content was to appear for women (pregnancy tips) and men. The platform should be a digital doctor, a to-do list, or a map with events dedicated to diabetes patients.


Our Solution


Functionalities of the custom CMS we implemented in the system

Countour is the information platform dedicated to diabetic patients. Diabetes is classified into different types: Type 1, Type 2, and gestational diabetes. Each patient with a different type of this disease needs a proper approach and a different set of information about his condition. The same applies to people, who have just learned about their illness, and those who are sick for a long time. Contour platform has been designed to suit the needs of each patient with different types and stages of illness. In total, 66 screens have been designed: 42 screens for desktop and 24 for mobile.

  • Layout

One of the goals of Contour is to provide a wide range of information about different types of diabetes in an accessible and friendly way. Those principles have been achieved through transparency and modular layout of custom CMS.

  • Main pages

For patients with type 1 diabetes, a dedicated homepage has been designed. Accordingly, all types of diabetes have their own dedicated homepages. Also, the returning patient's main page is different from the one dedicated to new patients.

  • Landing page

Apart from the platform, a landing page has been designed that redirects to mobile applications compatible with a glucometer.

  • Glucometer comparator

For new patients that need more information about diabetes, a glucometer comparator has been designed in order to help them in the process of choosing one.

  • Other screens

Beneficial subpages were designed for registered users. A wide range of information including healthy recipes, videos, medical advice, e-books, and interviews with other patients helps users with diabetes become tamed with illness.

  • User Interface elements

More than 16 modules (cards) were designed in order to create an attractive user experience and enhance the user's flow when using the Contour platform.

Contour platform has been designed to suit the needs of each patient with a different type and stage of diabetes. All types of diabetes have their own dedicated homepages.

In addition to the desktop version of the Contour platform, we have designed a mobile version of the site. In order to provide readability and functionality, the content and individual elements of the interface were adjusted to the width of the screen. The mobile version allows you to view the same content that appears in the desktop version of the platform.

Overall data

In total, 66 screens were designed, including 42 desktop screens and 24 mobile screens. Also, 16 individual information modules were designed. The whole product design process took 21 days. More than 140 pages in order to implement the service and mobile application were created.

Watch gallery Contour - 2024 35


The main result was a satisfied client who received a consistent platform, tailored to the needs of their business and customers. As a result, we were able to overcome the information chaos and the website received a visually coherent look. Currently, the website has been submitted for further development in order to develop the application.

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