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A Web Application Analysis of Business FX Effects

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Project Summary

Order Group has partnered with fintech startup Monetor to develop an online application designed to educate and empower businesses on the complexities of foreign exchange (FX) risk. The goal was to provide companies, especially those without dedicated treasury functions, with the advanced tools and insights needed to more effectively manage currency risk.

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Three elements of the web application:
Real-Time FX Risk Assessment
Strategic Decision-Making Tools
User-Centric Design


One of the main challenges for Order Group was to overcome the general lack of structured currency risk management systems in many companies. This gap often placed these companies at a competitive disadvantage in global markets. Our goal was to create a user-friendly tool that could provide advanced FX risk management capabilities to a wide range of companies, making high-level financial strategies accessible to everyone.


To address these challenges, we developed Monetor as a rules-based decision-making platform that offers real-time FX risk assessment. We adopted agile Scrum methodologies and leveraged a technology stack including Python, Django, and Java to build a flexible, scalable solution on Amazon Web Services. This approach ensured that the platform could adapt to a variety of business needs and easily adapt to market changes.

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The app has been designed specifically with CFOs in mind, focusing on usability and strategic functionality. It allows users to monitor currency exposure and develop actionable strategies using current financial data and market trends. The platform's design has been optimized to ensure it is practical for day-to-day operations, while providing strategic insight into high-level decision-making.


A key insight gained from this project was the importance of continuously collecting user feedback. Regularly engaging with end users throughout the development process has enabled us to refine and refine the app's features based on real needs and experiences. This iterative approach helped adapt the platform to better serve users and improve their ability to effectively manage FX risk.


The introduction of the Monetor application has significantly changed the way participating companies perceive and manage exchange rate fluctuations. The initial success of the platform resulted in further investments, enabling the expansion of its functionality and consolidating its status as a key tool in the fintech sector for effective currency risk management.

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