- How it all started
- How it's going
- Move in the right direction
Winner of Polish Taekwondo Championship, Winner of Ukrainian Taekwondo Championship, third place winner at the European Taekwondo Championship - these are just three titles Sasha, our another extraORDERnary colleague, won during his sports career.
But one day, he decided to change his life path. He is still a very active and fit person, currently preparing for a half-marathon in September and a marathon in November, but he combined his professional career with programming. And thankfully, also with Order Group. Read what he said about his story.
How it all started
- Programming has always been around, but initially, I had a different life plan, totally different from being a Python developer. I always wanted to fix things: as a child, I tried to fix my router. As a result, there was no Internet for a week 😊.
Sasha was only 16 when he had to make a decision about what to do with his future: - I have always been ambitious, and I always wanted more. All I knew was I wanted to study abroad, to have a chance for a better career. Poland is close to Ukraine, and there are several planes to Kyiv each day, so I decided to move here. My first place to settle was Opole, where I did my bachelor's degree. I became a robot programmer and worked in the automation industry. Then I moved to Cracow, but I still wanted to develop my skills. I wanted all of these to be part of my life: new technologies, dynamics, continuous development, and problem-solving, but I could not find them in Cracow. That is how I got to Order Group.
How it's going
- The positive opinion of Order Group sealed my decision. I got on the interview, and the thing I liked was the pleasant conversation we had. There was no pressure, no hierarchy, no distance between us. The recruitment process was smooth: invitation for an interview, hiring decision, offer. In other companies, it took too much time to get to know about the recruitment follow-up. Others were also asking me weird questions, but not Order Group. Here I got to know how my work would look like - I was presented with a work plan. I thought it was fair. I also wanted to continue my studies, which was considered, so I thought I could not expect more, and here I am! - Sasha says.
-What I like in working here is no criticism of me, as a person, but a criticism of my ideas: if something does not work, I got the instruction on how to improve it, always on point. My bad idea does not cancel my work, which is great. Another benefit of working here is that in OG, you are responsible for a given task, no one guides you by the hand - you are fully independent, and thanks to that, you can learn a lot. I participate in substantive discussions with the client, making me feel on an equal footing with others. I know I am a team member. I follow the same rules, and have the same opportunities as others.
Move in the right direction
Two years have passed since Sasha joined Order Group. What has changed for this time?
- I can see how Order developed since I came to the company. It changes all the time, and I am happy it is moving in the right direction. Since we have implemented a new way of project management based on scrum and sprints, our productivity as developers has increased a lot. On behalf of my colleagues and myself, I can say that now we understand the requirements better. The whole process is more accessible, and we meet the deadlines. - Sasha notices.
How is it possible?
- In our way of working, quick delivery of individual functionalities for the client is crucial. The clients participate in our sprints, and thanks to their quick feedback, we are able to make changes and corrections on an ongoing basis. Before starting the project, we have several quick sessions with the client, sketches to understand the problem and find the right solutions from the technical point of view. We go down to lower and more detailed levels, which also allows us to find hidden errors.
- Another thing I like is that the company's strategy has crystallized. Everyone knows in which direction we are going and how we contribute to the company's development, and I think it is great. - Sasha adds.