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Ewelina Wrzosek
HR Manager
Employer Branding
10.11.2021 | 2 min

A software house that follows the rules? It is possible! Find out what values ​​we are faithful to in our work in Order Group

Values ​​are an essential element of the organizational culture of any company. Clear rules and code of conduct help to achieve goals faster and regulate cooperation between teams. At Order Group, we know it very well, which is why we follow five simple rules that help us communicate with each other and increase our efficiency in our daily work. These are the values ​​we uphold:

A software house that follows the rules? It is possible! Find out what values ​​we are faithful to in our work in Order Group - 2024 06
Table of Contents
  • Honesty
  • Trust
  • Responsibility
  • Compliance with the rules
  • Transparency

Values ​​are an essential element of the organizational culture of any company. Clear rules and code of conduct help to achieve goals faster and regulate cooperation between teams.

At Order Group, we know it very well, which is why we follow five simple rules that help us communicate with each other and increase our efficiency in our daily work. These are the values ​​we uphold:


The most important value that we follow when building Order Group is honesty. All actions we undertake, and processes we create, are supposed to cultivate this value. We want each person to feel treated fairly. We believe that everyone has an honest approach to performing their duties. It is OK not to understand something or be wrong. We all are only humans and make mistakes. It is just a matter of communicating everything openly. Such an attitude is necessary for all of us to build lasting and good relationships.


We want our relationship to be based on mutual trust. We also trust that everyone follows our rules, and each person joins Order Group to develop it with us. We give everyone a lot of freedom, believing that each person reliably performs assigned tasks. At the same time, we want to be sure that we can count on each of our team members in the more difficult stages of the project as we believe we pursue the same goal together.


We want everyone to feel responsible for their work and for the project they implement. We believe that our colleagues approach their tasks with seriousness and commitment, so we want them to participate in essential arrangements with our clients. We emphasize that everyone should be part of the project they are working on.

Compliance with the rules

The rules we create are to help us build an equal work environment for everyone. We want everyone to feel that they work with us on the same terms as others. Thanks to clear rules, we can lead the company in the prescribed direction. Our goal is to build and facilitate development pathways.


In OG we strive for complete transparency in our activities and processes. We want to build open communication, clear to everyone in our company. Everyone can always come and talk to us about everything important to them. We try to adapt all the processes on an ongoing basis to be as simple, straightforward, and fully effective for everyone as possible. We are open to any suggestions and improvements. We are always here to help you.

Honesty, trust, responsibility, compliance with the rules, and transparency help us care for mutual respect and work-life balance in Order Group. We try to create conditions in which everyone feels included and pursues their passions. A partnership atmosphere focused on building a solid and well-integrated team is our primary goal. We try to make the time spent at work as pleasant and effective as possible.

Are you faithful to similar principles at work? It is a perfect match!
Send us your CV
A software house that follows the rules? It is possible! Find out what values ​​we are faithful to in our work in Order Group - 2024 06 Show Open Positions