This is not intended to be a design guide. Nevertheless, there are high-level UI, and UX attributes that all great apps acknowledge and adhere to.
- First impressions count towards user retention
Users who don’t just discard an app after one trial run (80% do just that) tend to make up their minds about an app within 3 to 7 days. Those who are still with you after seven days tend to become your long term user base. Achieving this basic level of 7-day stickiness is critical.
- Distinctly visible reaction
Users need constant feedback that indicates that each action they performed has triggered something. Whether that is swiping, tapping on a button or just being told that the app is busy doing something – users need to feel in control. Feedback is the key to delivering that sensation.
Uncrowded screens, one action at a time, uncomplicated menus – backed up by slick transitions can make even relatively complex processes such as registration and checkout seem painless.
Unwanted and annoying push notifications are just nags, and nobody likes being nagged. Ensure any push notifications add real value.
The best results for an interactive UI and excellent device responsiveness come with building code native to the device. Low-level essential features like touch, swipe and scrolling must be precise and intuitive. That means coding in iOS Swift or Android. Better still, cross-platform mobile frameworks such as React Native, Angular 2, Xamarin and others deliver excellent results on both main device families with others such as Windows in the offing.