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Maciej Sułek
Chief Technology Officer
08.06.2022 | 6 min

Why Django, Python & AWS is the best stack for 2023?

Looking for the best technology stack to improve your time to market? Worry not! Check out what Maciej, our tech lead, says about Django, Python & AWS.

Why Django, Python & AWS is the best stack for 2023? - 2024 42
Table of Contents
  • Adapt your app quick and easy
  • Test the prototype ASAP
  • Peace of mind for three years
  • Don't reinvent the wheel
  • Easy access to developers
  • Scale the app
  • Low entry threshold
  • Reuse the code

Are you wondering which technology stack best fits your product and business strategy? I suppose you want it to be simple to use and inexpensive, and at the same time practical and safe.

If that's correct, you don't have to wonder anymore because I have a set that will please you enormously. And yes, since most of the backend work in Order Group we do in Django, Python, and AWS, I'm heavily biased, but not without reason.

Let me provide evidence of this stack's supremacy.

Adapt your app quick and easy

In the early software development stage, you usually modify the prototype from sprint to sprint and constantly change the database. You want to do it painlessly to release and test new versions quickly and cheaply.

Django offers a great, and in the opinion of many, the best ORM on the market. Why is it the best? Because it's the easiest to use and has a built-in automatic database migration mechanism.

Thanks to this, introducing new features in Django usually takes a few minutes. First, you model the change; then you release the migration, and boom, the new feature is on. Compared to, say, SQLAlchemy or Flutter, Django is unequally straightforward.

Test the prototype ASAP

Django has a built-in, easy-to-use admin panel. All you need is a few lines of code, and you can display the board and manage created models (model is an object which represents a real object, for example user, blog post, order, payment etc.). It's not necessarily beautiful, but it indeed is fully functional. You can add, edit, delete, search and filter models (all is built-it).

Our experience working with startups shows that the built-in panel is sufficient for the testing period in most business cases. Especially if your product is about displaying various information to users.

Then, the built-in Django panel will save you dozens of hours devoted to designing and programming a dedicated one. You will test and verify your MVP faster and cheaper.

Peace of mind for three years

Django has many packages and has been financially supported by large companies as a framework for years. On top of that, Django releases libraries in the long-time support (LTS) model. So if you choose a given Django library, you get a guaranteed 3-year support period.

What it means for your company is that you don't have to think about updating the system for three years. Instead, you update one particular Django version, which doesn't take much time and is three times cheaper than if you had to do it every year.

Moreover, the updates are primarily about security and bugs inside Django, so you don't risk that the new update will introduce any significant changes forcing you to rewrite some substantial part of the code.

LTS releases are characteristic of large systems, such as operating systems. It's a unique practice in Open Source, which shows how special Django is.

Don't reinvent the wheel

Django was launched in 2005. Since then, its community has been continuously creating and improving ready-made tools that you can use to develop your app quickly.

Suppose you want to upload a social platform authorization module to your website. Of course, if you are ambitious (and well-financed), you can write the module from scratch. But you can also reach for a ready-made package, enter two lines of code, configure the feature for your website, and you're good to go. Minim hustle, maximum results.

Django gives you access to many ready-made and proven tools, so you don't have to waste time and money writing code from scratch.

Easy access to developers

Besides being supported by big companies, Python also has a strong developer community publishing new and maintaining old packages over the years. It's one of the most commonly-used languages globally, and it's trending more than ever, as most machine learning is based on it. So Python won't go down in the foreseeable future.

Why is it important? When a language's community dies, it's much more difficult to find a developer because nobody wants to learn or work in a dying language. And even if you find one, they're usually much more expensive than programmers who code in trending languages. They say that the most stressful job on earth, next to a firefighter and a soldier, is an HR specialist looking for Cobol developers.

If you choose Python, the risk of losing technical support in six months is close to none. You won't have any problems finding developers either.

Scale the app

Django is monolithic architecture, so scaling it up isn't quite as simple as scaling microservices. In other words: if you're doing a multi-level, complex website with many features, you want to be able to change individual layers independently of the others. In a monolith, it's problematic because a small change here or there will affect the entire architecture.

However, this is where the third player from our list, AWS, comes into play. Python and Django allow integration with microservices. Thanks to AWS (or other cloud platforms), you can easily add and work on independent modules, such as photo scaling or video processing.

And why AWS and not, for example, Azure? Because, in my experience, it meets the most critical business needs. It's a mature system that continues to grow after many years. It maintains old services, develops new ones, and offers many tools to support automatic deployments.

Low entry threshold

Python is so simple and legible that it's a pure pleasure navigating through it. Compared to older languages ​​like C/C++ or even the still-popular JavaScript, it's easy to read and can be read like a book.

I dare say that even a non-tech person with an analytical sense and, for example, experience in working with numbers and functions will more or less understand Python. I myself know a person who worked in Excel daily and learned to write simple scripts without any software development background.

The code written in Python is easily digestible by new developers, so passing the app into the hands of a new development team won't be a problem.

Of course, Python's simplicity doesn't mean you can't make a mess with it. However, you have to try really, really hard.

Reuse the code

Finally, Django is well documented and structured, and therefore it's very much reusable. I've been working on it for 10 years, and its structure hasn't changed.

From a business point of view, Django's modularity is very interesting. Suppose you write a user module; you can separate it from the rest of the system when you start a new project. You can simply take this module out as a ready-made package and use it again.

Code recycling is beneficial, especially when you do a lot of different projects. The amount of time and money it saves is extraordinary.

And in case I didn’t convince you that the above stack is the way to go, maybe these pieces of content will:

Build a web application with Django and React

Why Python Is The Best Language For Machine Learning and IoT | Order Group

JavaScript vs Python vs React for web development? What should you consider using a popular tech stack? | Order Group

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Why Django, Python & AWS is the best stack for 2023? - 2024 42 Read more