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13.06.2024 | 7 min

Financing Your Energy Startup in Scandinavia

There comes a time when your startups could use the extra funding either to cross the chasm, develop new features, expand to a new market, or do everything at the same time. It would have been nice to plant a money tree to fund the changes this way. Sadly, you can’t.

Financing Your Energy Startup in Scandinavia - 2024 12
Table of Contents
  • Introduction
  • VC Funding for Energy Startups in Scandinavia
  • Bank Loans. Debt Financing in Scandinavia.
  • Powering Up with Loans: Debt Financing for Energy Expansion in Norway & Sweden
  • Crowdfunding
  • Grants
  • Conclusion


There comes a time when your startups could use the extra funding either to cross the chasm, develop new features, expand to a new market, or do everything at the same time. It would have been nice to plant a money tree to fund the changes this way. Sadly, you can’t.

Securing funding for late-stage growth can be a challenge in any market, but Scandinavia offers a unique landscape with its own opportunities and considerations. In this blog post, we'll explore all financing options for late-stage startups in Scandinavia, exploring traditional venture capital (VC) options alongside alternative startup funding models that are gaining traction in Northern Europe.

VC Funding for Energy Startups in Scandinavia

There are several VC funds operating in Scandinavia with a focus on investing specifically in energy industry startups. Some examples include Statkraft, or SEB Greentech VC are just two examples, with more of them out there. Overall, you can find some top green tech VC investors in the Northern Europe.

Here's a breakdown of VC funding in the specific context of the energy industry:


  • Scandinavian VC firms often manage substantial funds, allowing them to invest significant capital into promising late-stage ventures. This can fuel rapid growth, market expansion, and large-scale project development.
  • Several firms specialize in cleantech and sustainability. These firms often have experienced partners who understand the unique challenges and opportunities facing energy startups. They can provide valuable mentorship and guidance beyond just funding.
  • Both Norway and Sweden have ambitious national clean energy goals. This translates to a supportive environment for energy startups, with VC firms potentially more receptive to innovative solutions.


  • While some Scandinavian VCs do invest in later stages, a larger portion target early-stage, high-growth potential companies. They might be less interested in established startups seeking capital to scale existing operations.
  • VC firms typically look for an exit within a 5-10 year window, often through acquisition or IPO. This can pressure late-stage startups to prioritize short-term gains over long-term strategic development, especially in the complex and capital-intensive energy sector.
  • Securing VC funding often comes with stringent performance metrics and board representation. This can limit a startup's operational flexibility and decision-making autonomy.

The Verdict:

VC funding offers undeniable advantages for late-stage energy startups in Norway and Sweden. However, a deep understanding of a VC firm's investment focus and exit strategy is crucial. Carefully evaluating the potential benefits and limitations will help determine if VC funding is the right fit for your specific startup's needs.

Bank Loans. Debt Financing in Scandinavia.

Powering Up with Loans: Debt Financing for Energy Expansion in Norway & Sweden

While VC funding fuels explosive growth, loans can provide a more stable and predictable path for financing expansion in the Scandinavian energy sector, while not having to deal with the additional requirements venture capitalists may impose.

In general, there are a few tips to improve your chances of getting approved:

  1. Monitor your cash flows
  2. Focus on building a good credit score
  3. Be ready to offer collateral if it’s necessary

Let’s look at the pros and cons of the solution:


  • Loan repayments are based on a set schedule, encouraging a disciplined approach to growth and cash flow management. This focus on execution can be beneficial for late-stage startups with proven business models.
  • Norway and Sweden boast relatively stable economies with low-interest rates compared to other regions. This can translate to attractive loan terms, making expansion more cost-effective.
  • Several loan options cater specifically to the energy sector in these countries. Government-backed loan programs and specialized energy infrastructure loans can ease the burden of financing large-scale projects.


  • Loan-funded expansion comes with a fixed cost in the form of interest payments. Unlike equity-based funding, there's no potential for shared profits with the lender.
  • Securing substantial loans often requires significant collateral, which can be a hurdle for startups with limited assets. Established players with a proven track record will find this easier to navigate.
  • Excessive debt can restrict a company's financial flexibility and limit its ability to pursue future growth opportunities. Careful financial planning is crucial to ensure manageable debt levels.

The Verdict:

Loans provide a viable option for financing expansion in the Norwegian and Swedish energy sectors, particularly for established startups with a clear path to profitability. However, careful consideration of the debt burden and potential limitations on future flexibility is essential. Consulting with financial advisors can help determine the optimal mix of debt and equity financing for your specific situation.


Even though crowdfunding might not seem like the way to get more money for your business, it’s still possible, especially if your business aims at individual customers. It’s also a less traditional approach, especially for energy industry companies, but it’s not worse at all. Thanks to platforms such as Scramble or Accumeo, businesses can easily raise much-needed capital directly from the public.

Crowdfunding offers a truly unique financing path for energy startups in Norway and Sweden. Here's how this approach can empower innovators:

  • Crowdfunding platforms connect startups directly with a vast pool of potential investors, many of whom may be passionate about clean energy solutions. This allows startups to build a dedicated community around their project, fostering brand awareness and customer loyalty. It could act as a slingshot, propelling you forward.
  • Crowdfunding platforms can be a powerful tool for reaching geographically dispersed investors. This can be particularly beneficial for startups with projects focused on specific regional energy needs.
  • Crowdfunding allows startups to raise capital in smaller increments, potentially reducing dependence on a single large investor. This can be attractive for startups seeking funding for specific project phases or pilot initiatives.

Challenges to Consider:

  • Crowdfunding regulations can vary across countries. Startups need to be well-versed in the specific regulations of their target countries to ensure compliance.
  • While crowdfunding can be a great starting point, the total capital raised is typically lower compared to VC funding or loans. This may limit its suitability for financing large-scale energy infrastructure projects.
  • The success of a crowdfunding campaign heavily relies on a compelling narrative and effective communication strategy. Startups with complex energy solutions may face challenges in effectively communicating their value proposition to a broad audience.

The Verdict:

Crowdfunding presents a compelling option for energy startups seeking to raise capital while engaging a community of passionate supporters. However, a realistic understanding of the regulatory environment, achievable funding goals, and communication challenges is crucial for a successful campaign.


While VC funding, loans, and crowdfunding offer established financing paths, grant opportunities can provide a strategic funding boost for late-stage energy startups in Norway and Sweden. Here's how these grants can empower innovators:

  • Grants offer non-repayable funding, reducing the financial burden on startups compared to debt-based financing. This allows for greater flexibility in allocating resources towards research, development, and project implementation.
  • Focus on Impact: Many grants prioritize projects that align with national or regional clean energy goals. This focus on positive environmental impact creates a strong synergy with the mission of many energy startups.

Finding the Right Grant:

Several resources can help navigate the grant landscape:

Grant Considerations:

  • Securing grants can be highly competitive. Startups need to develop compelling proposals that clearly demonstrate project impact and alignment with grant objectives.
  • Grants often come with specific use restrictions, requiring careful planning to ensure funded activities align with the startup's overall growth strategy.
  • Time Investment: The grant application process can be time-consuming. Startups need to factor in proposal development and potential revisions into their overall fundraising timeline. Don’t forget about the mountains of documents you need to fill out.

The Verdict:

Scandinavian energy grants offer a valuable source of non-repayable funding for late-stage startups. Carefully researching available grants, understanding eligibility criteria, and developing a strategic application can significantly enhance the chances of securing valuable support for clean energy innovation. Of course, the amount of paperwork you will need to present is overwhelming, though it is very well worth the effort.


If your company has made it this far, then the chance is it could become the next big thing - which we hope will be the case. In our piece, we have presented the different ways to finance the further growth of your company. Whether you’ll end up picking grants, loans, VC funding, or crowdfunding, pick the one that suits you best. If you will need software development experts with experience in realizing projects in the energy industry, do not hesitate to get in touch.

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