Users today expect a lot from their digital experiences, and apps are no exception. That’s why it’s no surprise that one of the top design trends is having a seamless user interface. This means that your application should be pixel-perfect, load without a lag or long transitions, and layout the content well on the first page. No one wants to scroll to find the navigation bar. If they have to, chances are they’ll look for a different app that has a simpler, more forward interface that doesn’t make them do the searching to find what they need.
Think about your personal experiences interacting with your apps. How long do you stay on the page if you can’t find what you're looking for? The chances are that you click away after not more than few seconds and try your luck with a competitor. Think of it this way - would you use WhatsApp if it loaded much longer than, say, Telegram?
Your app users will behave the same way. If they can’t find either your contact info, info about your product or any other information, they’re going to take their business elsewhere. They might even leave your app before it loads for the first time if it loads too long. Think of how much money you might be losing out in the long term.