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Karol Oponowicz
01.09.2021 | 5 min

Python vs JavaScript vs React? Why should you consider using a popular tech stack?

Have you ever wondered why companies are using Python, JavaScript, or any other top programming language so consistently? What exactly makes those technologies so popular?

Python vs JavaScript vs React? Why should you consider using a popular tech stack? - 2024 41
Table of Contents
  • 1. Army of devs and agencies available
  • 2. Big community = extensive knowledge base
  • 3. Python development - ready-to-go solutions
  • 4. Popular technologies won’t die anytime soon
  • 5. Security
  • 6. Seamless scalability in a technological sense
  • 7. Better chance of acquiring investors
  • Making the best choice of technology for the project

Have you ever wondered why companies are using Python, JavaScript, or any other top programming language so consistently? What exactly makes those technologies so popular?

No matter the company’s size or industry, the most popular technologies are widely and successfully utilized. Most corporations even have specific regulations to develop new projects only in a few of the top frameworks. And we believe they’re right to have them.

Let’s talk about the biggest benefits of using Python & Java & React for web development

1. Army of devs and agencies available

Working in a popular technology ensures scalability because it’s much easier to extend your team. For example, let’s say your project is doing amazingly well, and you need to find more workforce asap. Using one of the top programming languages will make the job of finding a few more devs or hiring another agency for team extension much more manageable.

2. Big community = extensive knowledge base

The more devs work with the technology, the more information about it is publicly available. Developers often treat working with technology as a common struggle, and many of them are more than happy to share their insights, tips, tricks, and solutions. The enormous amount of information makes the development process much easier (and cheaper) because you can learn from others’ mistakes. For instance, there is over 2 mln threads about Python on Stack Overflow.

3. Python development - ready-to-go solutions

The same goes for tailormade packs, frameworks, and plug-and-play scripts. In case of many potentially time-consuming issues, there’s a chance someone has already done that. While some of those solutions may not be free, it’s almost always better to grab them than to spend time-solving those problems yourself.

For instance, Python has a rich collection of ready-to-go packs and tools. Besides the most significant integrations, such as social media, payment systems, or e-commerce platforms, there are many solutions for very specific industries. A good example is Biopython, which is an open-source set of tools for computational biology and bioinformatics. In the case of less popular technologies, many of such integrations would have to be made from scratch.

4. Popular technologies won’t die anytime soon

Let us tell you a story about Xamarin. It was a technology that had its peak of popularity several years ago. While it had some potential and seemed like a good choice for particular use cases, its flaws resulted in a gradual abandonment. The world moved on to more advanced and up-to-date technologies, while some companies got stuck with their Xamarin-based platforms. And there are no devs to help them. It got to the point when companies are willing to pay insane prices for Xamarin developers to keep their software alive (we still receive a query about it from time to time). There are no updates, no ready-to-go solutions, and no possible integrations. And you don’t even want to know how expensive the transfer to one of the popular solutions would be. So no matter how ideal a certain new or niche technology might seem for your project, please remember the tragic story of Xamarin.

5. Security

The rule is straightforward. Any technology that isn’t regularly updated is less stable and less secure. There’s no risk of that with any of the top frameworks. Widespread usage and ongoing interest in the technology guarantee regular updates, patches, and fixes.

6. Seamless scalability in a technological sense

With frequent updates comes another crucial aspect, adapting the newest technologies, such as machine learning, AI, IoT, big data, cloud computing, and more. Choosing a programming language like Python assures you that one thing that won’t limit your ability to scale will be your technology. It’s one of the key reasons why corporations are very strict about the choice of frameworks. They usually choose one of the most popular ones for new projects to make sure they’re future-proof.

7. Better chance of acquiring investors

There’s also a significant financial aspect if you’re relying on investors or trying to raise more funding after building the MVP version. Savvy investors tend to treat projects based on experimental technology more carefully than those on Python, Java, React, or some other top programming language. That alone can be enough to disqualify a large number of new and upcoming frameworks.

What kind of projects can work out perfectly well in less popular technologies?

Despite all the arguments on behalf of popular technologies, there are types of projects that can be done successfully in niche programming languages. They can be perfectly viable for small projects, flashy presentations, one-offs, or MVP versions. But if you’re thinking about extensive integrations with other platforms, such as Google Maps or social media plugins, we suggest going with one of the big names.

In our case, we like to test different new technologies and approaches on hackathons. It’s a great way to stay up to date, understand them better, and examine their potential for further cases.

Of course, not every technology below the top 10 in the popularity ranking is risky to use. There are plenty of languages that are completely viable and regularly updated but less popular for different reasons. A model example for that is Angular, which is widely used by corporations. That guarantees a reasonably active community and the ability to scale.

Making the best choice of technology for the project

So, in general, if you’re playing a long game, we highly recommend choosing one of the most widely utilized technologies. Resist the urge and be aware of people suggesting “the new, upcoming revolutionary framework.” Don’t believe the hype, and once again, remember the dreadful story of Xamarin.

Verified and field-tested technologies guarantee longevity, and there’s no surprise that all of our most extended software projects are developed in Python. So far, in our portfolio, we have Python-based projects in:

  • fintech
  • healthcare
  • aviation
  • IoT
  • real estate
  • entertainment
  • e-commerce
  • data management

Even if you have a project from a different industry, we’re pretty sure that Python will do the job just fine. We’ll be happy to talk about your idea, and we’ll make sure to choose the best technology to execute it.

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Python vs JavaScript vs React? Why should you consider using a popular tech stack? - 2024 41 Read more