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Maciej Sułek
Chief Technology Officer
Product Design
06.04.2023 | 5 min

Exploring the Latest Trends and Best Practices in iOS and Android App Development

No matter the time of year, various tech experts and industry journalists regularly update us on the latest trends in mobile development. Well, these days, it might not be even them who write those articles, but AI. So, the question is, can you really trust them? This article will be a bit different. I’ll try to browse the trends and practices that are listed the most often and verify whether or not they should or shouldn’t be considered new trends. And if something that I genuinely believe to be the latest trend for mobile development won’t be there, I’ll make sure to mention it. Let’s go!

Exploring the Latest Trends and Best Practices in iOS and Android App Development - 2024 42
Table of Contents
  • What’s exactly a trend?
  • 1. AI chatbots, visual content generators, and more
  • 2. Applications for foldable phones
  • 3. Swift 5/6
  • 4. Kotlin&Jetpack Compose
  • 5. Wearables
  • 6. IoT devices in commercial and industrial use
  • 7. Focus on the energy
  • Do you have the next big thing?

What’s exactly a trend?

If you browse a few similar articles from this year and the past couple of years, you’ll surely find many of the same technologies and approaches. For example, I’m sure that AI, machine learning, and IoT have been considered a “new trend” for quite some time.

Of course, we can talk about the exact advancements in each of those technologies, but generally, I’d argue that they shouldn’t be considered new trends. Depending on the particular industry, they’re simply in a different phase of popularization and implementation. For example, 5G-supported IoT systems are already being widely implemented in the most advanced factories, but it’s not like that’s considered a standard across the entire manufacturing industry.

The same goes for AI, which has been used for years, but the tools like ChatGPT or Jasper are an example of how the technology evolves and provides many more potential applications.

But enough of this foreword. Let’s move on to the actual list of technologies and solutions that tech media consider to be the latest trends and best new practices.

1. AI chatbots, visual content generators, and more

While AI has been quite widely utilized in the last few years, we’re definitely seeing quite a revolution right now. It’s not only problem-solving and content generation. People are trying to run entire companies with the help of AI chatbots. But I’m sure you’ve already read all those stories and checked most of the tools.

Let’s talk about the potential impact of those tools on mobile development. There are basically two main angles.

First, there’s enormous potential in AI tools as a support for developers. Most importantly, we should pay close attention to the development of GitHub Copilot X, a ChatGPT-powered “pair programmer” tool. It’s already a magnificent tool that has the potential to revolutionize the way we work, and it still has a lot of room to improve. Right now, we’re implementing Copilot as a default for our developers in Order Group, and I think it will become an absolute must-have across the industry.

Second, there’s a huge media buzz created by those tools. More and more founders and clients are interested in using those tools or creating similar ones in their projects. And, of course, the developers’ role will be to find out if there’s any potential to do so.

2. Applications for foldable phones

According to some articles, foldable phones are quite a hot topic among tech geeks and app developers. In this case, we can definitely talk about a new trend, but I have some doubts about it becoming a big new thing this year.

While there are many fascinating ways to utilize foldable phones and create innovative user experiences, those phones are still a rarity. At some point, designers and developers will have to start considering foldable phones in their process, but the time hasn’t come yet.

3. Swift 5/6

If you’re surprised that both Swift 5 and 6 were considered a trend for 2023 in various articles, that makes two of us. The fact that people are moving to Swift is not only motivated by the fact that Swift is a modern, convenient language. It’s also a decision by Apple that developers we’ll have to follow as developers, whether we like it or not. And more importantly, it will be the main language that many new developers will learn as a default. So, by any means, Swift is the new standard, not just a trend.

And it’s not too different with Kotlin and Android.

4. Kotlin&Jetpack Compose

There’s no discussion here. Kotlin is the only right way to develop Android applications in 2023. I think it’s a crime against humanity to use anything else, and I’m willing to fight anyone on this hill.

It makes coding much more convenient and efficient than anything else available, and it brings better results. It’s simply the best and most widely used language when it comes to Android development.

There’s a reason why Google decided to rewrite parts of Android in Kotlin.

Jetpack Compose is another game-changer. It works wonders when paired with Kotlin. The first time you try on this combination, you wonder how you could ever work differently.

5. Wearables

While I don’t think there was any major breakthrough in wearables and related mobile applications, those devices are getting more popular each year. In addition to consumer use, wearables are increasingly utilized in industrial and manufacturing processes. So it’s not only simple fitness bracelets but devices like AR data glasses, analytic wearables for professional sports, and much more.

Surely, we can expect more demand for wearable-ready mobile apps in 2023, so let’s call it a trend fair and square.

6. IoT devices in commercial and industrial use

Technological literacy is at an all-time high. I’m sure most of you know people way beyond 60 years old that are more than capable with electronic devices. One of the reasons for that is the realization that applications can be simple. One of the key goals in modern app development is to create apps that are easy to use, and we can clearly see it through IoT devices like robot vacuums.

But it’s another example of a trend that has been here for quite a while. More importantly, I would point out the accessibility and ease-of-use angle as something that should be considered critical for years to come.

7. Focus on the energy

It hasn’t been mentioned in any of the articles, but it’s what we strongly believe in as the Order Group. The importance of how we use and produce energy is at an all-time high. I won’t go into all the details of why I believe this is the case because my pal Karol already went through the topic of the challenges of the energy industry and how emerging startups can deal with them.

What I can say for sure is that both consumers and companies at all scales must be much more conscious about energy, and we can expect many breakthroughs in this area in the near future. And we’re excited to be a part of this energy revolution.

Do you have the next big thing?

So, that’s pretty much it when it comes to what media believes to be the biggest trends in mobile development.

However, it doesn’t mean that there’s no more room for approaches and ideas. Maybe it’s you who has the most innovative tech idea that will be the next big point of discussion.

If you’re looking for a software partner to help you shape the idea in the best way possible, let us know.

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Exploring the Latest Trends and Best Practices in iOS and Android App Development - 2024 42 Read more