What Is a Minimum Lovable Product (MLP), and How Is It Different From MVP? - 2024 40

What Is a Minimum Lovable Product (MLP), and How Is It Different From MVP?

Izabela Mrozowska Izabela Mrozowska | 06.12.2022 | 3 min read

The brief

MVP is the minimum app version created to validate business assumptions and get feedback from users as quickly and cheaply as possible. You will check whether product X has the potential to solve problem Y thanks to MVP. We’ve already posted some content about MVP and the process of its creation here and there. However, there are situations where the “minimum” isn’t enough to validate an idea. Sometimes to verify the prototype’s potential, it also needs to be “lovable”, and what you need in such cases is… Yes, you guessed it, a Minimum Lovable Product. So what is MLP, how is it different from MVP, and in what business cases do you use it?

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