How to Choose the Right CMS for Your Web Development Project - 2024 28

How to Choose the Right CMS for Your Web Development Project

Łukasz Gajownik Head of Front-end | 12.05.2023 | 8 min read

The brief

The choice of a CMS (content management system) for a web development project is one of those decisions that doesn’t seem that significant. It’s just a CMS, right? And after a while, it turns out that the one you’ve chosen doesn’t have a few key features you simply can’t do without. But it’s too late now, and it will take quite a lot of time and money to switch to a different one. This article’s purpose is to prevent such dreadful scenarios from happening. So, if you’re about to make that crucial decision, I’m sure you'll be much better prepared at the end of the article.

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