Cloud or On-Premise: Which is Better for You? - 2025 24

Cloud or On-Premise: Which is Better for You?

Order Group | 25.01.2023 | 6 min read

The brief

Cloud solutions align with the trend of simplifying everything on the internet. In the past, when you wanted to deploy an app, you had to have your own server somewhere, and you had to be able to set it up from the ground up and maintain it. Today, at least to some extent, you don't need to know anything about configuring or maintaining a server because everything can be handled by a Cloud provider, such as AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud. Does this mean, however, that Cloud is clearly better than on-premise solutions? Not necessarily. In this article, I will describe the essential features of both approaches. Yet, if you want a tl;dr answer to the question stated in the topic: it depends, but you should probably use Cloud-based solutions or at least give them a try.

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